Monday, January 7, 2008

Internet Friends Bring So Much Joy

There are times when I am totally blown away by the wonderful folks I get to meet via the Internet.

After Barbaro, the great racehorse, who was critically injured in 2006 during the Preakness Race, I was totally devastated.

While searching the Internet to follow his progress, I discovered a group of like-minded people who joined together in support of one another by sharing feelings and sending their prayers to Barbaro, his owners, his Veterinarians and all his  connections who worked tirelessly to help this brave and courageous horse to recover.  We all mourned deeply upon his loss.

One of the folks I met through a nightly prayer vigil held for Barbaro in a private room on AOL, was Sheila, a charming woman who was living in South America at the time. A horse lover with a great sense of humor, and hope, her spirit and huge heart drew me to get to know her better, and to ultimately become good friends.Thankfully, long distances disappear through the magic of online life.

Our love for horses and our passion for all animals, in fact, remains the basis for our on-going friendship.

Sheila recently sent me a photograph of her atop her beloved mare, Sarah. This picture inspired me to share a little about how my Internet friends bring so much joy to my life.

Have anyone had a similar experience and as a result made a close and enduring friendships through the  Internet?



Vicki said...

Sheila is also an online friend of mine. Not only that, but we share a lot in common. She is a wonderful person and I would love to meet her face-to-face some day. I have met some wonderful people online, and I hope I never lose touch with them.

Anonymous said...

That prayer vigil was a time in my life that I will cherish forever. I will never forget the warmth and friendship of this group as we prayed for Barbaro's recovery together. The world stopped when it was time to get together online. I miss the friends that I don't talk to anymore and cherish the ones that I do. What an amazing time - one that I will remember always. I tell my family that my best friends live in this box - lol

Anonymous said...

How very true - some of the nicest people I've ever met have been online. Although I don't see them as much, they are still in my prayers and thoughts. God Bless You All!

Anonymous said...

For all who are familiar with KTK, she is very often moved by people's commentary.

If anyone should find KTK in some kind of disheveled, or dirt-covered-from-tasks state, all you have to do is throw at her the line:

"Hey - Where'd you grow up? - in a BARN??"

Even expressed w convincingly critical intent, this very comment will (paradoxically, to you) garner all kinds of glowing reviews from her.

Nothing would have pleased her more.