Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Breaking News: Meet Oscar the Shih Tzu

I think my friend Vicki has just struck it rich, welcoming her new Shih Tzu puppy, Oscar into her heart and home.

This little guy recently joines Vicki's household. Being smart as a whip, he knows which side of his dog bone is buttered. A sturdy, bouncy extrovery, he will steal everyone's heart. Matching Vicki's personality, the breed is known for their upbeat attitude and love of playtime. He will fit right in with his propensity to be a loving, affectionate and great family dog.

However, this being said, they are also known to be somewhat stubborn at times.

Shih Tzus thrive on affection and want to be the center of attention. He sure will get plenty of that for sure!

I can't wait to get some photos of Elli Mae, Vicki's St. Bernard, playing with Oscar.
I think he looks JUST like an "Oscar", don't you?

Leave a message for Vicki and Oscar, congratulating them on the start of a long and happy journey in life.


Sports Haven said...

It's so exciting having a new dog in your life. Good luck to your friend.

Anonymous said...

What a little cutie! All I can say is enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Oscar, you are just a handsome guy, aren't you! I will be anxious to watch your adventures through our time here. Enjoy your Vicky and new family! ~rc~

Anonymous said...

Welwoofcome (!) to all. Interesting, your info 'bout the various breeds.
