Sunday, February 17, 2008

Silent Sunday: Chatty Cats!

These two communicative kitties have lots to say! Enjoy this hilarious video presented by klaatu42.

Tickled your funny bone? Let us know by leaving a comment.


Anonymous said...

This is SOOO funny! I can just imagine two cats having this conversation.

Anonymous said...

Uh, that post was from Skylark...

Anonymous said...

OMG...that was so funny..absolutely made my morning! Don't you wish you could understand what your cats are thinking sometimes? I know I do. But then again...LOL maybe not.

My Mouse is my big talker...he's all grey but has BIG ears and is lonnnnng and sleek, obviously some Oriental or Siamese in those genes somewhere. (he's also the reason I'm up at 4:45 every day. anyone know how to 'reset' a cat?)