Sunday, July 13, 2008

Silent Sunday on Frequently Feline: Love This Foal!

This little baby may be slightly embarassed. There seems to be a "who me?" expression on his face.

What in the world could be on his mind? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment!


Anonymous said...

I bet the little foal is saying "I meant to do that to see if you were paying attention!"

Anonymous said...

oops - just kidding Mom - I mean to do that!

Vicki said...

What an adorable little fellow. I love the way Mom looks around after he fell. You can almost hear her thinking, "gosh, I hope nobody saw this little nut"! So cute.

Kathy said...

Oh, how funny!!!

It reminds me of the time one of m kittens jumped up on the toilet assuming the cover was down (as it usually was) and landed in the toilet. The look on his face as he climbed out as priceless.


Anonymous said...

What an absolutely beautiful pair! Just the kind of paint that I dreamed of owning from my "Cisco Kid" childhood days! (anyone else remember that show from the early 50's? American Beauty Spaghetti sponsored it and at one time had a contest to win a black-and-white Shetland pony--you had to send in the rose from the package to enter. We ate a lot of spaghetti, but to no avail!) Sheila

Anonymous said...

whatsa pwoblem? i hassta lern to roll wen i cwash don i? sheez peepuls give a guy a bwake

Anonymous said...

Sure glad he didn't get hurt.

One of my dogs does the same thing when she goes running around the yard too fast.