Today is Sunday . . . We be chillin'
Don't we look comfy? If you are awake, please leave us a comment!
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Please to talk to Mouse, you two. Alllllll my vacation, it was up at 5:30 with mrrrps and head rubs and nose licks. But you gotta love it anyway, it keeps me on a schedule (and my doc says thats a good thing.) LOL I woke up in the middle of the night thinking today was Monday and I hadn't set my alarms. So I set my alarms. Then looked at my was SUNDAY. Unset the alarms...went back to sleep...until 5:30 of course. But then went to my routine EggMcMuffin and over to Meijer to buy some wire coat hangers to use as fence stakes and a few other things, there it is only 8:20, and all I need is a shower and to vacuum and the rest of the day is mine. I guess Mousey alarm is a good thing anyways. ::::drippin in sweat, headed to shower:::
When they wake tell them that Auntie sends Treble and Hush Hush her love. XO
Magnus and Emma say meow , meow time to get up!
Oh boy, I was sleepy enough and then I see these two. Night, night yall.
Time for y'all to WAKE UP! We've been up for hours and hours and hours! Time's a-wastin' and there's so much to do...
Nick and Grace
(Skylark's alarm clocks)
Hey you ever heard of "Let sleeping dogs lie!" Shhhh they are storing up energy for the middle of the night play time. (giggle)
i have been a 'naughty' goose these last three days -- slept in until about 11 am on friday, and then until well after noon on both saturday and sunday. ate breakfast today, then went and gardened for over 3 hours -- it was a beautiful cloudy day here in wa. just got online a few minutes ago, but have to go to bed soon -- 2:30 am comes real soon.
LOL! What is a lazy Sunday.
Here is mine. Today I work late so I did get to sleep in, was up at 7:30 AM. Turn coffee on fix the cats their morning wet mixed with dry food breakfast. (This is the only time of the day they get wet.) Dish it out. Takes about 20 minutes.
Get my coffee and head to the couch for the new. Then litter boxes, vacuum and feed the kittens upstairs and the boy. Get the dishes up from feeding the crew in the kitchen. Get them fresh water and fill the dry food feeder. Check email answer if I have time. Get my shower, do hair, makeup, dressed. Recheck the kittens. Gather up what I need for work and out the door by 11 AM or so.
Now if I worked early I have to leave at 7 AM so you now know what kind of a morning I have! Relaxing, never! And I work retail so no time to relax there either till my 15 minute break and lunch. I am a Training and Service manager.
So home and play with kittens and cats and email and some chat. And off to bed again. To Start all over. Days I work early I have about 3 hours in the evening to get things done and when I work late I have about the same thing if I get up when I am supposed to (6 AM).
Not everything in your house is necessarily what it might seem to be. Some things undergo the most remarkable transformations under the right conditions.
F'rinstance, that STEREO AUDIO CABLE around here - the one w those 2 nice red & white connects on each end? It has the ability to ....crawwllll... along the ground, & turn into a SNAKE - a LIVE snake, that might be considered prey by certain small mammals.
If it swings thru the air, it can even hybrid into a BIRDSNAKE - you know what kind of instant action that kind of animal can generate..
Same thing with a guitar cable.
It's useful as a cable, sure ,but , if it crawls over furniture, or beds, & so on, it also turns into a snake needing to be caught.
Come to think of it,anyone could call this a kind of "Anaconda going Hi/Low" couldn't they?
Well, some people might....
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