Sunday, October 26, 2008

Silent Sunday on Frequently Feline: Political Announcement

Since the election is only 9 days away, I thought that a political announcement was essential!

Cats for Obama calls out to all cat servants to remember this important change!

and now.. back to our regularly scheduled programming.


Sage Ravenwood said...

Awesome, hands down perfect! (Hugs)Indigo

Donna said...

My Littermaid doesn't need a complete change very often...I just add litter as needed and do the occasional full change (ususally when changing brands of kitty litter.) The box in the bathtub in the unused bathroom gets changed more regularly, I use a clumping litter in there but it doesn't clump quite as hard maybe because it's flusable. It's behind a plastic shower curtain, and after cleaning it out a couple weeks, I let it run down to pretty low, then just change it out. I got an ad for a new type of kitty litter I'm's not here yet, but I'll let you know. Have any of you had better luck with some clumping flushable litters than others? If yes, please let me know! Right now I'm using "Better Way."

Vicki said...

Change it when it is needed. I think when you have had enough, you have had enough.