My pal, Kim, has a huge menagerie of pets. This is one of her new additions. In her email to me this morning, Kim wrote,
"Here is our Captain Jack Sparrow! He sure has alot ot say and is so happy with his 'pad'. Again he is looking for a 'calender girl' kitty to put on his refrigerator. so pic's anybody? Hugs!.....and when it rains cats and dogs ...well some times ya just gotta love it! Thanks God for blessing us with Jack!@ Hugs all!"
This photo begs for a caption! Leave a comment for Kim and Jack with some creative thoughts!
If I can't find a girlfriend soon, the pout on my "puss" will last,eternally!
Great shot!
What a handsome boy! He'll have the girls following HIM around before long!
Arrrh Me Hearties!!!! Make the DOG walk the plank!!!!!
"Who's been eating my Friskies?"
"Get one paw closer to my food dish, and you die!"
I love it! Jack does have a pout to his face. He is so happy though! I think he is saying 'why did you put away my moist food and where is my calender girl picture?' We do thank God for him. He was starving when he came here. He couldn't fill that empty tummy for a while. We fed him many times a day with small amounts. Now he leaves extra in his dish! Amazing what a week of love and food can do! Thanks everybody! It is sad to see our animal kingdom suffer as American's go through hard times. I think he was left behind when the neighbors moved. God Bless the Animal Kingdom! Protect them, nurish them, watch over them. Hugs to all! ~rc~
AW-He's beautiful!! At the moment I can't think of any creative captions. He looks like my male cat Mozart, the look on his face. "I'm grumpy and I want a girlfriend NOW!!" That is what Mr. Bossy Mozart would be thinking!! :>) LOL!!
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