Josef using his scratching post: Photo Courtesy of Ruth and Babz
While Fabulous Friday on Frequently Feline is generally devoted to "Pet of the Week" , today I am breaking with tradition, to implore our readers and their friends to consider joining together to ban declaw surgery once and for all.
A few facts about Declaw Surgery:
1.While this surgery is offered throughout the United States, it is considered to be animal cruelty in 25 countries around the world; therefore the surgery is banned. Recovery from the procedure causes cats excrutiating pain. While most vets tell clients that it is no "big deal" cats suffer needlessly.
2. Declawing frequently results in behavioral disturbances which are far more destructive than scratching behaviors.. Often cats resort to biting, which is far more dangerous to humans than a scratch, once the cat realises they no longer have claws for defense. Cats are smart and quickly learn how to protect themselves.
3. Cats often stop using their litter boxes as litter is very painful to their sensitive paws. Declawed paws can remain exquisitely tender and sensitive to pain long after the "healing" process is finished. As a result of this dilemma, cats often resort to inappropriate elimination and will not use their litter boxes.Therefore if "destructive" scratching furniture and carpet behaviors were the primary reasons to declaw a cat to prevent rehoming it, the inappropriate elimination will certainly be a cause for surrender to shelter or abandonment.
4. Cats often develop arthritis as they age brought on by the disfigurement and misalignment of their toes.
5. Cats need their claws to be able fully stretch out their bodies; an essential part of a cat's behavior. Toe amputation prevents the cat from fully utlizing their muscles.
6. Cats also need their claws for balance, to prevent serious falls from high places. Climbing is one of a feline's natural instincts.
For more information about why cats should never be declawed, visit:
The Declaw Story.Please sign this petition and also widely circulate this article. Together we can make a huge difference in the lives of all cats.
Petition to Ban Declawing SurgeryThank you so much for taking action.
What are your thoughts about declaw surgery? Leave your comments and share.