Sunday, November 8, 2009

Silent Sunday on Frequently Feline: GREAT NEWS FOR CAT LOVERS

Voting unanimously on Friday, November 6, the City Council of Los Angeles passed an ordinance which bans the declawing of cats. City Council President Eric Garcetti added an "urgency clause" to the ordinance which ensures its taking effect before 1/01/10. This was essential as California has passed a law which prevents cities and counties from regulating any further declawing bans.

Councilman Paul Koretz, and Councilman Bill Rosendahl proposed the ordinance. Councilman Koretz said, "We need to ban declawing, which is one of the most cruel practices.The obvious truth is that declawing does nothing good for cats. It is not clipping nails. It is actually amputation, sometimes leaving cats crippled and in pain for the rest of the lives."

Santa Monica, San Francisco, and Beverly Hills have also passed ordinances which will prevent feline declawing. Malibu is considering a resolution.

Representing over 6,100 veterinary professionals across the state, the California Veterinary Medical Association opposed these ordinances.

Declaw surgery is described by the US Davis Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital as a permanent surgical precedure where the last bone, phalanx and claw of each toe on a cat's paw is amputated.

This is great news for cat lovers that abhor this cruel and inhumane surgery. It is about time!!

The city of Berkeley approved a declaw ban on Thursday, November 5, 2009. They need to hear from folks who support them in a final vote to ban declawing which will be held on Tuesday, November 10.To contact the Board of Supervisors, here is the list of their email adresses. E-MAIL ADDRESSES FOR THE BERKELEY CITY,,,,,,,,

I do hope that the rest of the country will follow suit and join the over 37 countries around the world which have already banned declawing.

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